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Beyond AI: from ‘edutainment’ to critical engagement

Lightning Session Stream 3: Student Engagement Practices

Time: 10:30 am – 10:55 am

Location: G18 & G06

Research suggests that using AI as a ‘thinking tool’ negatively impacts the development of critical thinking skills and faculties. How can we enable our students to transition from dependence and overreliance on making learning ‘easy’, to instead engage them in the classroom and develop their critical thinking skills, beyond the perceived ‘need’ for AI? Join Chanah Wainer for this mini workshop, where we will explore tools that support students to draw upon their own critical thinking as the basis for engaging in class, across faculties and subject matter content. 

Chanah Wainer | Education Professional Business

Chanah Wainer | Education Professional Business

Chanah Wainer is a teacher educator and self-professed 'creative pretending to be an academic'! She works at UNSW and UNSW College, convening an undergraduate elective in the initial teacher education program, and tutoring in Foundation Studies and Diploma courses in the Arts & Design, and Business faculties, while completing her PhD in Teacher Agency. Chanah is known for her abiding passion and enthusiasm, and her enduring commitment to enabling human beings to flourish and shine in their own right, no matter their path in life.

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