mAgIcal lecture presentations: Mentimeter meets AI
Lightning Session Stream 5: Enhancing teaching practice with the use of AI
Time: 11:00 am – 11:25 am
Location: G21 & G02
This session will explore how Mentimeter and AI software can be used to create fully interactive lectures to facilitate efficient educational design and increase student participation. In this session, you will have the opportunity to participate as a student in an interactive fictitious ‘DPBS 007 Film Studies’ lecture to experience how live question-and-answer Mentimeter software tools can be used to create excitement, competition and solve a mind-blowing mystery. At the end of the session, it will be revealed how a particular AI tool is used to create interactive presentations based on the model lesson shown. Educators from all disciplines are encouraged to attend.

Nicholas Gostt | Senior Education Professional Business
Entrepreneur, problem solver, international patents holder.
Nicholas Gostt is a 15-year UNSW College multi-departmental (Academic English, Arts and Design, Business) subject specialist on FS Academic English, FS Management, FS Culture and Communication, FS International Issues and Perspectives, DPBS 1350 Global Business environments, DPBS 1320 Innovation and Collaboration in Business. He has also been a course convenor for FS/TNE Business Law, FS Critical Skills and Creative thinking, FS/TNE Microeconomics and FS Macroeconomics. Nicholas specialises in student-centred lessons and is an AI enthusiast, comical presenter, portrait artist and Christmas party dress-up costume celebrator.
Please note that we will be filming and taking photos at this event.
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