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Project Based Learning

Training Lab 2

Time: 12:00 pm – 12:45 pm

Location: G16 & G07

Unlock the full potential of your first-year university students through dynamic, interactive education with Problem-Based Learning (PBL) programs. This session will demonstrate the transformative benefits of PBL and its design concepts. Learn about the key elements of effective PBL and how accessible design principles, such as the honeycomb model and inclusive design guidelines, can create an engaging and equitable learning environment for all students. Discover how the Buck Institute's gold standard project design can serve as a blueprint for crafting impactful PBL experiences. Our session will also cover practical strategies for implementing PBL in your courses, ensuring inclusive designs that promote student engagement and success. Gain insights on empowering teachers to create innovative, student-centred educational experiences that cater to diverse needs and foster a collaborative classroom culture. At the end of this training lab you will leave with a teaching toolkit of PBL methodologies which will help you design inclusive learning environments that inspire and motivate your students.

Amy Ayres | Dean of Teaching and Learning at St Augustine College

Amy Ayres | Dean of Teaching and Learning at St Augustine College

Amy has extensive experience designing learning experiences for a range of learners and contexts. With over 20 years of experience in the education sector she is passionate about engaging her students and connecting with their own passion and care values. Amy is the President of the Science Teachers of NSW and past council member for the Teachers Guild of NSW. Amy is NOT an EduGuru - she just does the work and loves it.

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Please note that we will be filming and taking photos at this event.

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