Moodle Theme’s Best Practices and Standards
Training Lab 4
Time: 12:00 pm – 12:45 pm
Location: G19 & G04
Join this training lab to understand how various aspects of your course main page fit into the broader ecosystem of UNSW College Programs within the LMS. Learn how these simple elements on your courses can positively impact the student experience—or negatively, if not followed correctly.
This session will cover the straightforward yet impactful "whys" and "hows" of the Moodle theme and the accessibility report. Discover how these tools can simplify your work and ensure your course meets UNSW College standards.

Amanda Souza | Manager Student Information Systems – Division of Students
Amanda Souza is the Student Information Systems Manager at UNSW College. She is a Higher Education Industry professional with a diverse background, skilled in Academic Support and Systems Administration Services. Recently, she has been focusing on the administration of Learning Management Systems such as Moodle & Open Learning for many users as well as student management systems and their integrations from a functional point of view. She is well-known for being an experienced “multitasker”, who works greatly within teams of diverse backgrounds.
Please note that we will be filming and taking photos at this event.
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